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A Webflow component

How to make components with style controls in Webflow

Learn how to change layouts, colors, and more within single components using visibility overrides and a bit of custom CSS.

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10 Questions to ask a Webflow contractor before hiring them
For Clients

10 Questions to ask an agency or freelancer before hiring them to make your webflow site

This post will help you ask the right questions of your future Webflow developer so you can make sure the site you get is high quality and wont' cause you issues down the road.

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Component Libraries in Webflow
Design Systems

Modular Component Libraries in Webflow

Learn best practices for creating component libraries in Webflow including tips on the new Webflow Slots feature

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Visualization of Webflow class types and how they relate to each other

Webflow class types explained

Ever get confused with some of the terminology for different types of classes? Combo, stacked, global component etc. In this post we dive deep to help you understand the nuances between different types of webflow classes.

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A list of Webflow Variables controlling color, size, and core site structure.
Design Systems

How to best utilize Webflow Variables, an in depth guide

This post explores 2 main approaches to using Webflow variables and covers how you can use different layers of variables, strategies for naming, how to approach color systems and more.

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Logos of Client-First, MAST and Lumos frameworks

Which webflow framework should I use for my project?

Now more than ever there are a lot of amazing Webflow frameworks to choose from but it can be hard to decide which one to use. In this post I explain the approach, pros, and cons of my three favorites (Client-First, MAST, and Lumos) to help you better understand how to decide on which framework to use.

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The custom code editor in webflow being used to add text outline
Custom Code

8 CSS snippets that expand functionality in Webflow

A few custom CSS code snippets that let you do things that aren't natively available in the Webflow designer. These are really easy to copy and paste into your project

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let's create something