Who I am.
My name is Caleb Raney and I’m a human being. I mean let’s be real, can you really sum up who someone is with a couple of fun facts?
What I do.
I am a full time freelance designer. While I specialize in creating brand identities and websites I love variety, and love taking on unique creative challenges. If you want to make a difference or re-imagine the world we live in I’d love to be a part of it.
Where I’m from.
I grew up on the tropical Island of Sri Lanka (If you don’t know where that is you should definitely look it up). As a child I loved swimming, playing strategy games, and arguing with my art teacher.
Why design?
I believe design makes a real tangible impact on the world and plays a huge (albeit, sometimes subtle) role in how people understand issues, people, and products. I love design because I think it makes the world a more beautiful and connected place.
When can we talk?
Right now. Actually... a more accurate thing to say is between 1 & 2 business days, I usually reply to emails really quickly (except on weekends when I avoid them like the plague). So use the contact form below and lets get in touch!